Friday, February 17, 2012

Peer Advisor Advice

I signed up to be a peer advisor to a new incoming volunteer and we've started to email back and forth. She asks me typical questions about work and clothes and language. In one of her emails she asked me about my work and how I feel that I've been in country for almost a year now. I gave a longer response than she probably wanted, but I just went with it. So, why tell you this? Well, because I though I would share my response with you about my "feelings" and stuff. I'll take the stuff about clothes and things out, but here's the gist of it:

My organization is a school (known as a Gymnasia, I guess cause it's suppose to be better than other schools, but it's not really) I have all grades there and my counterpart (CP)  is one of the vice principles. She is amazing, she organizes so many great things for the kids, even did a HIV/AIDS thing all by herself, it's almost like why am I here when you have her? But basically I have learned that my school wants me to share American Culture and to spread the can-do attitude to my students.  And, unfortunately, my counterpart doesn't really want to work with me, sad face. The woman who requested me is also a vice principle and she is so excited to have me here, but her husband said that I would take up too much of her time and wouldn't let her be my partner. Such is life. I'm still trying to work with her on individual projects though, so there's hope!

 So my work day, I usually have 3-4 lessons/clubs a day all in English and I come an hour early to sit in my CP's office, finish up details on my lesson, and attempt forge a relationship with this woman (she's young, hip and unmarried!) I teach "American" culture lessons with healthy lifestyles tied in so that I'm still fulfilling what Peace Corps wants me to do, but still doing what the school wants at the same time. For example, New Years-making resolutions and goal planning, MLK day-civics, Valentines day-Healthy relationships, you get the picture. I'm also starting a once a week young adults English club in my town's library for peeps out of school and really anyone who wants to come, and soon I've been told that I get to help start a women's soccer team( yay!)

Tips? Well, in training you will be teaching healthy lifestyles to kids (you might not be at a school at site) but stay true to the Peace Corps motto, and be prepared to be really flexible and be open to everything. Take you're time getting to know people, be warm and friendly, basically just be yourself and they will love you.

 I can't even believe that it's almost been a year. Training seemed like it lasted forever and went by so fast. It was hell at some times, but I became really good friends with my Russian teacher  and I visit her all the time. It's not really at all what I expected, but I'm happy to be here, I'm really happy with my site and my work, and can't wait to implement more projects ( there are super PCVs that have done it from day 1, my sites been more of a challenge, but I'm working on it). I have made some really good friendships with teachers, and neighbors, and kids in my village. No regrets. There are of course difficult times with the culture and language and general missing home, but I love being here.

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