Last week I went to Kherson to a Social Center for women and somehow I was designated to take the notes. I typed them up for the rest for my Oblast mates (we affectionately call ourselves the Reject Oblast) I am super excited about working with them and may even commit to going there every Friday. So here's the notes, kinda stream of consciousness, but somewhat organized. I changed names just in case. I am so EXCITED
LBGTQ meeting!
LBGTQ meeting!
Social Worker
Office Manager
Project Manager
(I think they also said they work with a lawyer and a psychologist.)
Open Monday-Friday
- Opened office in 2007
- Focus on LBGT, Human Rights, and HIV/AIDS
- Organize about 50% activities in Kherson
o LGBT cinema clubs
o Workshops
o Counseling
o Medical trainings
o Police trainings
§ Works with psychological department
§ Gender equality and diversity, Human Rights
§ The boss was a woman psychologist and was easy to work with but now it’s a man who is hard to speak with, also doesn’t understand the word gender.
- Aides NGO’s in HIV/AIDS services
- 2010 end of discrimination
o LGBT report on women
o Received considerations
§ HIV research gets finances, but mostly for MSM, drug users, and commercial sex workers
§ The global fund gives money to the alliance and then the alliance divvies out the money to them (only for HIV research)
- Tasha goes to a lot of international conferences dealing with Human Rights issues
- 1st organization to hold trainings/seminars for LBGT parents
o 3days of training, usually in 1st day parents are ashamed but by the end they are proud of their children.
o Good success with teaching tolerance
o Helps fix relations and enhances understandings
- Universities invite them to talk about: sexuality, HIV/AIDS, ect. Trainings
- Trainings for Empowerment
o Women without jobs
o Gender stereotypes
- Photo exhibition, 3rd one (faces of…?)
- Breast cancer support
- HIV/AIDS clinics, center, test clients, refer to hospitals
- 1st women’s outreach group for gay and bisexual women
o Condoms, lube, counseling, gender specific approach.
o There is no other support because considered low risk of HIV infection
- HIV+ art clubs
- Evenings of Cultural development
o Poems, readings, ect.
- Sports in the summer
- Gender Law 2005
o Registered 2007
o Were asked to remove the word gender because they didn’t understand what it meant but they ignored them and did not change the name.
- Safe Sex Parties! (organize performances at parties)
- 2 living library project
o Homophobia during WWII
- Worlds AIDS days
- 1st Gay Fair for handy crafts
- LGBT church came to Ukraine and made blessings for 5 couples in the eyes of God.
o Pastor came twice to Kherson
o Seminars on religion and homosexuality
- Other LGBT groups in Kherson:
o New Wave- mostly men
o Pirate Studio- Parties!
Possible collaboration ideas:
Ø Gender violence
Ø Gender empowerment
Ø Human rights
Ø Training of trainers (PEPFAR)
Ø Breast cancer
o After surgery there is no information or support for women to cope, need funds for center, only for personal/workers and to print materials and posters in the medical center.
o Maybe we can help with fundraising/ partnership grant?
Ø Creative art shop (clothes pin in Ukrainian) crafts for youth
o Tasha is already meeting with them working on a project to sell kids crafts and then give money back to children
Ø Safe Spaces
Ø Volunteer Workshop
o For us to share our experiences with volunteering and why we do it, why we feel compelled to help others
o Charity idea-feeling of responsibility for different issues, how does our country encourage this
o Talk about EVS- European Volunteer Services opportunities
Ø PFLAG type program
Ø **for the trainings we can offer ie PEPFAR and safe spaces, they want to know the timeline and how long the trainings last for.
v They are 5 yrs old and want to develop their organization further closer to international standards
v Maybe apply for PCV
v Like the idea of a membership fee but no one will pay because government is suppose to be providing these services, and the NGOs did get some money from the govt but they took money for selves.